Monday, February 25, 2013

Tilsley Ends ...

It is 3 days until my stint at Tilsley Bible college is over!! I have had such a wonderful time here and people have made me feel so welcome!! The lectures have been quite intense and then getting back into the swing of writing essays for the college has not been easy!! It also doesn't help that the GLO students keep us up late watching movies, chatting or playing ping pong. All in all it has been such a lovely time here and I am going to miss living in this wonderful community!!

I have found I have been really challenged at Tilsley college about certain things.Before coming here I was worried that not having Brethren routes would mean that I would be seen as wrong to have a different theology about certain aspects of Christianity. However I have really been challenged about my judgements before I get to know people. My worries have been completely wrong. Everyone here is so respectful to everyone's different view and I have actually found that some people have a very similar theology to me.

I'll be blogging again soon

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